Tricare Physical Therapy Copay

Tricare copays for physical therapy


Covered Services

Learn more about what we cover -
including health, dental, and pharmacy.

TRICARE covers physical therapy when:

  • Provided by:
    • A Licensed Physical Therapist (PT), or Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) performing under the supervision of a TRICARE-authorized PT
    • An Occupational Therapist (OT), or Occupational Therapist Assistant (OTA) performing under the supervision of a TRICARE-authorized OT
  • Professionally administered to aid in the recovery from disease or injury

Physical therapy helps you gain greater self-sufficiency, mobility, and productivity through exercises and other modalities intended to improve muscle strength, joint motion, coordination, and endurance.

Jun 18, 2020 TRICARE covers physicals: When required for school enrollment. For overseas travel for active duty family members when: The family member is accompanying an active duty service member on assignment and; Travel is because of orders from a uniformed service. TRICARE doesn’t cover annual sports physicals. But, TRICARE does cover. A percentage of the TRICARE deductible, cost-shares, applicable excess charges and co-pays left behind by TRICARE. Many times, this option is less expensive than the employer-sponsored health plan. Please refer to the certificate of.

TRICARE doesn't cover the physical therapy services below. This list isn't all inclusive.

  • Diathermy, ultrasound and heat treatments for pulmonary conditions
  • General exercise programs
  • Electrical nerve stimulation to treat upper motor neuron disorders, such as multiple sclerosis
  • Separate charges for instruction of the patient and family in therapy procedures
  • Repetitive exercise to improve gait, maintain strength and endurance, and assistive walking
  • Range of motion and passive exercises not related to restoring a specific loss of function
  • Maintenance therapy
  • Services provided by a chiropractor or naturopath
  • Acupuncture
  • Athletic training evaluation
  • Non-surgical spinal decompression therapy
  • Use of powered traction devices

Contact your regional contractor for specific limitations to the physical therapy benefit.

If you've been diagnosed with low back pain after Jan. 1, 2021, you may be eligible for the Lower Back Pain and Physical Therapy Demonstration.

This list of covered services is not all inclusive. TRICARE covers services that are medically necessaryTo be medically necessary means it is appropriate, reasonable, and adequate for your condition. and considered proven. There are special rules or limits on certain services, and some services are excluded.

Last Updated 1/8/2021

Will Tricare Pay For Physical Therapy

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Mental Health Therapeutic Services
Maintenance of Wakefulness Testing (MWT)

Maintenance of wakefulness testing for obstructive sleep apnea is a limited benefit for active duty service members only. More >>


One screening mammogram every 12 months is covered for women with no symptoms beginning at age 40. Women with a high risk of breast cancer may receive a screening mammogram beginning at age 30. More>>

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy and services by a massage therapist are not a covered benefit. Physical therapy that is medically necessary is a covered benefit when performed by a TRICARE-authorized physical or occupational therapist. Physical therapy may include massage procedures.


A mastectomy is a covered benefit when medically necessary as a treatment for breast cancer. A prophylactic mastectomy is a limited benefit. More >>

Mastectomy Bras

Mastectomy bras are considered medical supply items and are covered in lieu of reconstructive surgery or when reconstruction surgery has failed. TRICARE allows two per calendar year.
Cost Information

Maternity Care

Maternity care is a covered benefit. Global maternity care includes prenatal care from the first obstetric (OB) visit, labor and delivery, postpartum care for up to six weeks after the birth of the child, and treatment of complications. More >>

Maternity Ultrasounds

Maternity ultrasounds that are medically necessary are a covered benefit. Routine ultrasounds and ultrasounds to determine gender are not covered. More >>

Medical or Surgical Error

Services or hospitalizations as a result of a medical or surgical error are not a covered benefit.

Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Medication assisted treatment (MAT) is a covered benefit for the treatment of opioid use disorders. More>>

Medication Management

Psychotropic pharmacologic (medication) management is a covered benefit. More>>

Medication or Pharmaceuticals

Tricare For Life Cost 2020

Medication or pharmaceuticals may be covered for those conditions that are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Medication or pharmaceuticals for off-label use may covered if the drug is FDA approved and the off-label use is medically necessary, supported by medical literature identified by the contractor, which indicates the drug is nationally accepted as standard practice, and is not otherwise excluded.

Mental Health

Mental health care is a covered benefit. More >>

Midwife Services


Midwife services provided by a Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) are a covered benefit. The CNM must be certified by the American Midwifery Certification Board and state licensed when required by the state. Midwife services by a Registered Nurse who is not a CNM may be covered with a physician referral and supervision. Midwife services by a lay midwife, Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) or Certified Midwife (CM) are not a covered benefit. See maternity care.

Does Tricare Pay For Physical Therapy

Migraine Treatment

Tricare Physical Therapy Copay

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Milk (Banked Donor)

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Mucus Clearing Devices

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Mucus clearing devices may be covered for diseases including, but not limited to, cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema. These devices also may also be covered for beneficiaries who have impaired ability to clear secretions.