Oakland Garage Sale


  1. Garage Sales Oakland County Mi
  2. Frisco Plano Allen Garage Sales
Oakland ca garage sales
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Oakland garage sale map. Find sales now in Oakland, CA. Oakland Virtual Garage Sale has 81,851 members. Buy, Sell, & Swap with people in Oakland County, Michigan and surrounding areas. This group is for the residents of OAKLAND COUNTY. You don’t have to live in Oakland County to become a member, we do allow residents from Macomb and Wayne counties, but as a BUYER you must be willing to meet. Oakland, NJ Estate Sales around 07436 (146 Results) Listed below are all the estate sales that are currently scheduled for the Northern New Jersey area. You may also be interested in estate sale companies in Northern New Jersey. Garage Sales in Oakland, Oregon Signup to our Oakland, Oregon newsletter to receive free alerts on Oakland garage sales within: 5 miles 10 miles 15 miles 20 miles 25 miles 30 miles 35 miles 40 miles 45 miles 50 miles 75 miles 100 miles 150 miles 200 miles 250 miles 300 miles 350 miles 400 miles 450 miles 500 miles of Zip: Email. Garage sales found around Oakland, Maryland There are no yard sales in this location at the moment. Alert me about new yard sales in this area! Post A Yard Sale, it's FREE!

*Neighborhood STOP Sign Upgrades
Added STOP sign on westbound Winchell @ Rambling, and YIELD to STOP Sign Conversions
Due to the issues arising from the new Winchell/Rambling STOP sign, the ODWNA reached out to the city's traffic engineer to see what could be done to make this new intersection configuration more apparent to drivers.
As a result, the city will taking the following steps:
  • Move the STOP sign on Rambling Road 10-feet closer to the intersection
  • Have flags placed on all three of the intersection STOP signs
  • Place an ALL WAY panel on each of the STOP signs
  • Have red reflective strips placed on all the STOP sign posts (I believe 1 already has it)
  • Add STOP Bars at each of the 3 STOP signs.

No timeline was indicated but we believe that those changes will be made soon.

The ODWNA has been advocating for safer streets based on our Neighborhood Plan goal of making our roads safer for all. As a result, we have worked with the city to have a number of sign changes made in our neighborhood.
The city has completed the Traffic Control Orders and coordinated with Rathco to order the following sign changes. We can expect to see progress on them later this month and into May.
  1. CLICK HERE for a map to see where all of the Yield to Stop sign conversions will take place.
I'm sure we all hope that all drivers notice and pay attention to these changes, ourselves included! Our goal was simple - to help make our streets safer for all users.
*Neighborhood Garage Sale
Back ON for Last Saturday in April! (4/24)
In response to many neighbor inquiries the ODWNA is letting everyone know that we are going back to the 'regular' day for it (Last Saturday in April; 4/24; 9am - 5pm).
For those of you unfamiliar, the ODWNA does not run or supervise our annual garage sale, but simply helps get the word out about it.
If you decide to hold (or attend!) any garage sales this year, we stronglyencourage everyone to:
  • Follow ALL COVID-19 CDC guidelines:
    • Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) | CDC
  • Adhere to ALL Michigan Coronavirus Guidelines:

​Thanks. Be safe, be responsible, and respect all guidelines.
* 9th Annual Neighborhood Car Show
Back ON for Wednesday May 19th!
It's almost that time of year again - time to bring those classic cars out of hibernation, get them fired up, and start enjoying the spring & summer in them!
Our 9th Annual Car Show(again sponsored by Cole/Nissan; thanks!)will be held Wednesday May 19th, and we would like to see your classic car (25+ years old) entered in it!
We will again have wood-fired pizzas fromCamzie's Pizza as well as trophies for the car show winners! (We have 'People's Choice' trophies - All attendees can vote for their favorite car!)
This is the ODWNA's way of kicking off summer; to let everyone have the chance to get outside, meet your neighbors, and see some cool cars as well!

If you would like to enter your vehicle (no entry fee) or have any questions about our car show, just email Paul Scott HERE
As a condition of using the Winchell Elem. parking lot we will follow all Covid-19 protocols:
  • Everyone must:
    • wear a mask
    • socially distance
  • We will have hand sanitizer & clean pens for you to vote for your favorite cars
*Spring Cleanup-April Waste Programs Available
In April - SAME DAY as Bulk Trash Collection Occurs For You
In April, the City of Kalamazoo offers residents a 'Spring Clean-Up' on the same day of the month that quarterly bulk trash collection would occur.
Residents WILL be permitted to place: residual leaves from the fall, yard waste, brush (cut or broken branches), twigs and other trimmings no longer than four feet in length and two inches in diameter in biodegradable bags, open cardboard boxes or bundled with binder twine.
What WILL NOT be collected:Loose piles of limbs, branches, brush and trimmings, grass clippings, dirt, soil, rocks, stones, bricks, concrete or construction or demolition debris of any type.
If your items are not collected for any reason, they must be removed from the curb within two days following the completed pick-up in your area. Material left at the curb is considered a nuisance and may result in fines or corrective action, so please be sure to follow city ordinances. Full details and collection schedule HERE
Monthly collection of brush resumes in May
and runs through October. Residents can place out branches, twigs, and weeds for collection on the same day that bulk trash would occur. Items must be bundled, bagged, or boxed in biodegradable bags or cardboard. Full details and collection schedule HERE

Curbside bulk trash collection is available in March, June, September, and December, but there are also opportunities to drop off bulky items for free. City residents can take the same bulk trash material accepted curbside for drop off at Republic Services
Republic Services, 3432 Gembrit Circle
Wednesday, April 21, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Saturday, April 24, 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
*Native Plants
Update: Further Info. and Plant Sales
We had a great turnout (and interest!) in our February 2021 ODWNA meeting relating to native plants. As a follow up, you will find below further information regarding native plants, as well as opportunities for you to purchase native plants for this year!
1) Native Plants 'Cheat Sheet' - thanks to our February speaker Linda Whitlock, you can download HERE a 'cheat sheet' of native plant information for our area, as well as other valuable resources.
2) Local Native Plant Sales (click on the links for details):
* Addressing the Deer Issue in Our Neighborhood
January 2021 Update

As many of you are aware, the deer population in our neighborhood (and other areas of the city) has been an increasingly hot topic. City staff has received numerous complaints, and neighborhood Facebook posts are frequently filled with concerns.

In response, the ODWNA has been engaged in ongoing discussions with City staff to not only bring this issue to their attention but also to find a way to work with the City to build and support a coalition of neighborhood leaders and interest groups with different points of view to research the issue and find acceptable ways to address this problem.
The result is the start of a process that will be led by a community-based ad hoc committee with City staff support. We are at the beginning, and it is anticipated that the full information-gathering, community-feedback outcome could take up to 12 months. The ultimate goal is to establish proper, successful, and doable short-, medium-, and long-term methods of best co-existing with our urban deer population.
Much more information will be forthcoming in the weeks and months to follow but be assured that there will be ample opportunities for all voices to be heard on this issue.
It is also worth noting that the ODWNA, Oakwood, and Parkview Hills City-approved Neighborhood Plans all include action items to 'pursue a regional approach to maintaining the deer population at a safe level for deer and residents'.
*Proposed S. Glen Park Bike Trail
February 2021 Update
The ODWNA Board held a Zoom meeting with members of the City's Parks & Recreation Advisory Board (PRAB) and the Parks & Recreation Director on February 4th to discuss outstanding questions, issues, and concerns both the board and neighbors we have heard from have regarding this proposed project.
Our board's goal for meeting was to let PRAB and Kzoo Parks know and understand that we need much more detailed information regarding their proposal (trail parameters, NFP adherence, alignment to the ODWN Neighborhood Plan, etc.) than we have received to-date before we can accurately assess the project.
The meeting was productive and all voices were heard. Next steps: the board is awaiting detailed answers to our written questions. Once we can review those, we will work to insure that a neighborhood meeting is held so all neighbors can weigh in on this proposal.

The ODWNA board will continue to communicate with Parks & Rec to gather additional proposal information and ensure that this (or any) proposal aligns with our Neighborhood Plan, and that two-way communication with our neighborhood takes place.
*Inventory Kalamazoo 2022
Inventory Kalamazoo 2022 is a reconnaissance level history resource survey that photographs and documents the existing condition of structures made by people (houses, schools, stores, gas stations, parks). Every resource of any age within the City will be documented from the public right of way.
Citizen volunteers will work in pairs to collect data in person for each structure.
Looking for a way to get your steps in and enjoy new or familiar parts of the City? If so, you can get full details, review the training presentation, and sign up HERE
*A Win/Win for YOU and the Oakwood Neighborhood Association!
Help the Oakwood Neighborhood Association earn up to $1,000...and save yourself energy at the same time!
Call 888-316-8014 for a FREE Home Energy Analysis (HEA) from Consumers Energy.
Use the Promo Code: ONA20 so the Oakwood Neighborhood Association receives credit from CE for their fundraiser
More details HERE
*Land Preservation Initiative by
​Stewards of Kleinstuck

If you would like more information about this project to save and protect 12 acres of woodland next to the Kleinstuck Preserve, and/or donate to their cause, you can visit their 'Keep Kalamazoo Wild' websiteHERE
The Stewards of Kleinstuck is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization
*ODWN Neighborhood Plan
APPROVED By City Commission 6/1/20
Our Neighborhood Plan is now a part of the City's Master Plan!
  • You can download the FINAL approved plan HERE
*Neighborhood Site Plans

The city regularly posts to their website active site plans for review and comment by the public.
You can find all site plans HERE
You can send any comments regarding a site plan to:
COVID-19 Information
- Updated City information can be found here: https://www.kalamazoocity.org/news

- Updated State of MI COVID-19 information can be found here:https://www.michigan.gov/Coronavirus
-Updated KPS news can be found here:
​* You can find a full list of COVID-19 resources HERE
Stay safe, wash your hands, and take care of your family, friends, and your fellow citizens!
*Neighborhood Crime
Here's a great new (FREE to you) initiative that partners KDPS and 'Ring!'

* You can also put the FREE app on your PC or Mac if you don't have a smartphone! Just go HERE

What should you do to report something that is of a non-emergency nature? Well, our friends at KDPS tell us you should:
  • Report it by calling their NON-emergency number: (269) 488-8911
  • Click on the 'Report A Crime' link in every one of our eNews and on our website
  • Report it at: https://kalamazoopublicsafety.org/crime/report/

​KDPS is here to help us...but they need our help as well! By reporting non-emergency issues, KDPS can track and identify trends in our neighborhood, and not only respond, but understand how to best be pro-active to prevent crimes as well!
*City Contacts
  • Sgt. Keaton Nielsen of the Kalamazoo Dept. of Public Safety let us know that KDPS is always here for us. He stressed that if anyone ever has a (non-emergency) question or issue about public safety to not hesitate to contact him. He can be reached here:
    • 269-337- 8120 (leave message)
  • Yvonne Wright is our Rental Inspector. Any questions or concerns you have about rental properties (or blight issues) can be addressed to her directly:
    • 269-337-8506 (leave message)
'Quality of Life' Issues/Who to Contact
Ordinance Enforcement
As a follow-up to recent neighbor concerns regarding nuisance/quality of life ordinance adherence, we have listed on our Resource Links page the areas of concern as well as the City contact phone number you may call to report any perceived violations. Our City Rental Inspector has assured us that any complaints registered with the city will be followed up on, and the person reporting the violation will remain anonymous.
You can also report violations via the City's website with their Report It! link
As always, feel free to email us with your thoughts for the neighborhood!
Wednesday May 19, 2021
In the Winchell Elementary Front Parking Lot
9th Annual ODWNA Car Show; it's back on!
Again sponsored by Cole/Nissan; thanks!
We will also have wood-fired pizzas fromCamzie's Pizza AND a KDPS fire truck will again make a guest appearance for kids to see and climb into!
This is the ODWNA's way of kicking off summer; to let everyone have the chance to get outside, meet your neighbors, and see some cool cars as well!
As a condition of using the Winchell Elem. parking lot we will follow all Covid-19 protocols (masks required, social distance, etc.)

** Our Board can always be reached via EMAIL HERE
NEW: The SPRING/SUMMER 2021 View From The Curb
is now available and full of very helpful information!
Download it HERE
*NEW: EPS Recycling Program
Events will take place at Mayors Riverfront Park on April 24, July 31, October 30, and January 29.
The city has initiated a pilot program for recycling Styrofoam, which is currently not accepted in the curbside recycling program.
Click on the link below for further details on foam drop-off events where (and which) clean foam will be accepted for recycling by the Dart Company.
*Kalamazoo Public Safety Policies and Documents
Now Available for Public Review

The City of Kalamazoo has published on their website Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety (KDPS) policies, training and recruiting documents, budget information, and union contracts and other information for public review at: www.kalamazoocity.org/kdpstransparency
These documents are provided along with other relevant information such as: links to submit a FOIA request, information about the Citizens Public Safety Review and Appeals board, and crime statistics.

​Additionally, the KDPS hiring process, the Department’s recruiting plan for 2020-2022, and a summary of the KDPS Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Program are available for download.

*Recycle Coach
FREE App For Personalized Trash,
Recycling Info. And More!
The City of Kalamazoo has launched of a mobile app (iPhone & Android) and website plug-in containing all of the information residents need to know about residential trash and recycling services, tailored specifically to your neighborhood.
Other features include:
  • Searchfunction, which allows the user to look up a specific item and find out if it is recyclable or not
  • 'Report-a-problem'function that allows residents to report non-emergency municipal problems such as: missed collections, illegal dumping, overflowing public garbage or recycling bins, potholes, burned out traffic or street lights, and more.
    • The 'report-a-problem' feature utilizes the smartphone’s GPS and camera to locate and capture an image of the problem and sends the information directly to city staff.
  • Receive notifications regarding:
    • Emergencies (weather-related, water main breaks, boil water advisories)
    • Trash/recycling schedule changes
    • Sorting and/or collection tips & reminders

​The app is available for Android and iPhone users and can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play for free by searching for “Recycle Coach”
*Upcoming City Projects
Curious about a project that is happening in the City? Want to find out what street construction projects are planned this year? Wondering about upcoming parks projects?
All City-planned projects can be found at: www.kalamazoocity.org/projects
Projects are identified on an interactive map that includes the project scope and estimate start and completion dates (actual dates are dependent on weather and other factors and may differ). You can also sign up for email updates on road construction at that website that will be provided approximately every two weeks.
*Kalamazoo County Smart911 Available
Now Available!

Public Safety Officials Encourage Residents to Sign Up For the Free Service That Provides Emergency Responders with More Information in the Event of an Emergency
Public safety officials in Kalamazoo County announced today that Smart911 is now available to all individuals in Kalamazoo County. Smart911 is a free service that allows individuals and families to sign up online to provide key information to 9-1-1 call takers during an emergency.
Smart911 allows citizens to create a Safety Profileat www.smart911.com for their household that includes any information they want 9-1-1 and response teams to have in the event of an emergency. When a citizen makes an emergency call, their Safety Profile is automatically displayed to the 9-1-1 call taker, allowing them to send the right response teams to the right location with the right information.
*Are Your Service Water Pipes Made of Lead?
Check the map and database link below

​Kalamazoo's municipal water system has about 4,300 known lead service lines at about 2,800 addresses out of a total of more than 46,000 service lines in the system.
At about 1,600 addresses, both the yard service lines and street service lines are lead. Of those addresses with one or the other, most of the lead pipes are yard service lines, according to city records.
You can go to an MLive article HERE to access the map and/or search the database to see if your address is listed.
Lead and Copper Program
The City offers free lead and copper testing kits to City of Kalamazoo water customers. In an effort to streamline the City’s Lead and Copper program and respond timely to customers, the City requests that all calls and inquiries be directed to (269) 337-8550.

Here is a guide from the EPA, supplied to us by the City, that explains:

• How lead gets into the body
• About health effects of lead
• What you can do to protect your family
• Where to go for more information

Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home
* Connect With City Government!
Connect with the city to receive news, updates, and alerts

1)Foundation For Excellence website
2) www.ImagineKalamazoo.com where the public can connect and collaborate with local decision makers and other residents on the future of our community.
3)www.kalamazoocity.org/connect provides information on how residents can connect with the city to receive important information and updates.
4) The city has created an online newsletter. This bi-monthly publication will contain information about what is happening around the City and include news, alerts, meeting schedules & agendas, and events. Go HERE to sign up.

ODWNA Statement of Purpose

-Preserve and enhance the neighborhood living concept in the area.
-Protect the natural beauty of the area.
-Encourage the beautification, physical well-being and neighborhood spirit of the residential area.
-Constructively assist the Kalamazoo City and County Planning Commissions.
-Provide a forum for open and frank discussion of different points of view on neighborhood development.
-Provide for communication on matters of neighborhood interest to residents.
The Oakland Drive/Winchell Neighborhood Association was founded in 1973 in response to the City of Kalamazoo's proposal to widen Oakland Drive, which would have required the removal of many trees.
2020-21 ODWNA Board Members
- Peter Kushner
Vice President - Chris Shook
Treasurer -
Kathy Shook
Secretary - Chris Bovid

Board Members at-large:
Eric Boersma
​Diana Morton-Thompson

Paul Scott

Oakland Drive / Winchell Neighborhood Map

Garage Sales Oakland County Mi


Frisco Plano Allen Garage Sales

ODWNA ~ P.O. BOX 20061 ~ Kalamazoo, Michigan 49019