Visual Studio Code Javascript Intellisense

  1. Visual Studio Code Javascript Autocomplete Not Working
  2. Visual Studio Code Javascript Intellisense
  3. Visual Studio Code Jquery Intellisense

Extension for Visual Studio Code - JavaScript and TypeScript IntelliSense through the Language Server Protocol. Visual Studio Code supports many features for JavaScript and Node.js development. The features that ship with the downloaded product are the core features: debugging, IntelliSense, code navigation, etc. In addition, to these core features, you can install a large number of quality extensions to add features to VS Code for JavaScript development. Better IntelliSense. JavaScript IntelliSense in Visual Studio 2017 will now display a lot more information on parameters and member lists. This new information is provided by the TypeScript language service, which uses static analysis behind the scenes to better understand your code. Extension for Visual Studio Code - An intellisense tool for VSCODE, fast manipulating Yogurt CSS Low-level Framework faster and convenient. There is a built-in extension called TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features (vscode.typescript-language-features) that is disabled. In order to enable it, open Extensions panel, search for '@built-in JavaScript', and enable the required extension. Now you should be able to use the autocomplete feature.

Kendo UI provides Intelligent code completion for Visual Studio (VS) by using an additional vsdoc or intellisense JavaScript file.

The approach was initially described in Scott Guthrie's blog post jQuery IntelliSense in VS 2008. Kendo UI Visual Studio IntelliSense is integrated in Visual Studio 2008 SP1 or later versions and it also works with Visual Web Developer (free).

Vuescan macos catalina. For versions of Visual Studio prior to Visual Studio 2017, refer to the section on installation.

VS 2017

As of the Visual Studio 2017 release, Microsoft use a new language service for JavaScript IntelliSense that is based on TypeScript. This means that the -vsdoc.js files are no longer read and supported for JavaScript IntelliSense and that to get IntelliSense for non-standard object types including custom widgets like the Kendo UI widgets, you need to treat it like a strongly typed language.

For more information on this service, the way it works, and the features it supports, refer to:

With this in mind, you may want to consider writing directly in TypeScript and using the TypeScript definitions for Kendo UI.

To get the VSDoc-based IntelliSense, you can try to revert to the previous behavior by going to Tools > Options > Text Editor > JavaScript/TypeScript > Language Service and uncheck the checkbox under Enable the new JavaScript Language service. To enforce the changes, restart Visual Studio.

By utilizing the suggested approach, you can use the JavaScript documentation provided in the vsdoc files as demonstrated in the following section on installation.

Alternatively, you can also use the TypeScript definitions in JavaScript code by utilizing the JSDoc syntax as demonstrated in the followign section on JSDoc Syntax for TypeScript-based Intellisense.


Each bundle package includes a vsdoc directory which contains a vsdoc.js and an intellisense.js file for JavaScript.

  • For Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and Visual Studio 2010, place the vsdoc.js file next to the kendoui bundle script.
  • For Visual Studio 2012 and later, place the intellisense.js file next to the kendoui bundle script.

Make sure the naming prefix of the IntelliSense file matches the kendoui bundle name.

  • Visual Studio 2008 SP1 - 2010

  • Visual Studio 2012 and later

  • Visual Studio 2017

    For Visual Studio 2017, you must disable its TypeScript-based Intellisense in order for this to work. See the Visual Studio 2017 section.


  • Options for widget initialization

  • Widget accessors

  • Widget methods


To reference the IntelliSense, use either of the following approaches:

  • Reference the Kendo UI Visual Studio IntelliSense when the script is directly added to a page as previously demonstrated. The kendo.all-vsdoc.js and kendo.all.min.intellisense.js files are also available on the Kendo UI CDN in the same folder as the regular JavaScript files.
  • Reference the IntelliSense by using a reference hint from within an external JavaScript file as demonstrated in the following screenshot. This approach may not work in Visual Studio 2017 and later.

JSDoc Syntax for TypeScript-Based Intellisense

With the TypeScript-based IntelliSense in Visual Studio 2017, you can use TypeScript definitions to get IntelliSense with the default TypeScript-based IntelliSense mode. In this way, you will not have to disable the new language service and affect other parts of your workflow. This approach and the vsdoc-based IntelliSense may not work and you might have to prune the code before executing it.

The following screenshot demonstrates how to add TypeScript references to a JavaScript code block.


The following screenshots demonstrate how to declare variable types with JSDoc syntax.

See Also

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Leaflet is a great light-weight Javascript library for interactive web maps. Visual Studio Code is a popular open-source cross-platform text editor (and a light-weight IDE at the same time).

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is very handy when used as an IDE for web related developments. However, when it comes to Leaflet Javascript library, VS code does not provide off-the-shelf IntelliSense functionality. Therefore, we need to manually tweak Visual Studio Code to have IntelliSense for Leaflet, and here are the steps:

STEP 1. Install Node.js

We need to install Node.js, because we want the npm, which is part of Node. During the installation, make sure Node and NPM path is added to PATH environment variable.

Visual Studio Code Javascript Autocomplete Not Working

STEP 2. Install the TypeScript definition manager. Open a command line window, and run the following command to install the typings package.

STEP 3. Install the TypeScript Definition File for Leaflet

From command line inside your project directory, where the leaflet folder exists, run the following command

After STEP 3, a new sub-folder named “typings” and a new file named “typings.json” will be added to the project folder. These two are outlined in Frame 1 and Frame 2 in the following figure.

STEP 4. Add reference to index.d.ts, as outlined in Frame 3, in the following figure.

Visual Studio Code Javascript Intellisense

Once you have completed the above steps, IntelliSense works nicely, as expected:

Visual Studio Code Jquery Intellisense

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