Todoist Project

Todoist filters are views for your setup. It is as well possible to see all subtask for your projects in progress with /In Progress. & subtask. If project has a deadline. You can add a date to the uncompletable task and using a filter like before: 1st &!subtask & #🚀 Projects. This will give you the list of projects to finish this month. Click the + Add task button in a section where you would like your task to be, or use Quick Add by clicking the + icon in the top-right corner. Alternatively, you can press the a key to add a new task to the first available column. Type your task name and apply any parameters (e.g. A due date, priority, label etc.).

I use Todoist since 2015 and there is a lot of way you can organize tasks. Does not matter which system you follow. There is maybe something you can take from this setup.

Todoist Projects

Everything starts with my Areas of Focus. Those could be anything which does not end. For example this Blog, my Work, my Hobby (Smart Home), my Family or simply Myself. I found Todoist Projects being the best for this.

Todoist Sections

Those areas can have different flow. The blog tasks will go from idea to draft to ready to published while my work will go from Backlog to Next Up to In Progress or Blocked. Todoist Section is perfect to display this flow. I can drag and drop easily the task between section which allow me changing easily the state of the project. Adobe photoshop cs6 free download windows 10. The Board view make it even better !

I decided to use those state instead of a time based setup (like this week, next week, this month, next month) because I don’t want to feel bad postponing a project. It is already hard to postpone a task from the Today view.

When it comes to review my projects I will have questions based on the state of the projects. Bluestacks 4.9.

  • Blocked: Does it still blocked, can I do anything to unblock it ?
  • In Progress: Is the next task defined ?
  • Next Up: Can I start or do I want to start this now ?
  • Backlog: Does the order still represent the priority I want to give to those projects ?

I will prioritize the questions depending on the type of review. For example during the daily review I won’t look at the Backlog.

Todoist project id

Todoist Tasks

I am using the Todoist feature uncompletable tasks representing my projects. When we are in the Area of Focus Blog, the project can be “My Todoist Setup 2021”. When we are in my personal projects it can be “Landscaping behind my house”.

The subtasks section will contain all tasks making the project going forward. The comment section will have all ephemeral information because I will write in my note/wiki app the information which need to stay for ever.

Todoist Filters

During my review it can happen I want to see all projects in progress independently of the area. For that I create a filter like /In Progress* & !subtask. The same for blocked or Next Up section. Todoist filters are views for your setup. It is as well possible to see all subtask for your projects in progress with /In Progress* & subtask.

If project has a deadline. You can add a date to the uncompletable task and using a filter like before: 1st & !subtask & #🚀 Projects. This will give you the list of projects to finish this month.

Filters are so powerful when you know what you want to display !

The idea behind this Setup

Using this setup allows me to have the following benefits:

  • Having Micro and Macro views of my projects and tasks
  • Make sure I work on the right tasks/projects
  • Having views for my reviews allowing me to focus on the right questions
  • Easily manage projects state by a simple drag and drop.

Depending on Todoist new features this Setup can even become better.

This is it. I really hope you will be able to use something from this post.

Whether you’re managing a project or planning an exercise routine, Todoist can help. Learn the basics to stay on top of work and life.

Let’s begin

Start with a project

Todoist Project Limit

Todoist projects keep all your tasks organized so you can achieve your goals — large and small.

You can create projects to:

  • Make a teaching plan
  • Track a marketing campaign
  • Share a grocery list
Try a template

Add your first task

All projects begin with a single step, but don’t stop there! Add every task that comes to mind.

The most achievable tasks tend to be:

  • Super specific and clear
  • Actionable
  • Less than an hour long

Stay on schedule

Life’s smoother if you know what needs to happen when. Todoist can auto-detect due dates, nearly any way you write them!

Todoist understands things like:

  • Today
  • This weekend
  • Sept 15 at 2pm
  • Every 3rd Tues for 6 months starting in April
Get the whole list

Split big tasks into sub-tasks

Small tasks are far easier to complete than big ones, so break large goals into manageable to-dos.

  • Divide tough tasks into short, easy ones
  • Track all of your progress
  • Collapse for calm, expand to complete

Organize tasks into sections

Todoist Project

Tidy up your long task lists with sections. You can neatly divide your project any way that works for you.

  • Complete projects in stages
  • Try sections like To Do, Doing, Done
  • Set a schedule by day, week, lunar cycle, whatever!
Find section inspiration

Get things out of your head


Not sure which project a new task should go in? Add the task to your Inbox — the home for tasks without projects (yet).

Plan your future

Find every task due today, this week, or any week in your Today and Upcoming views.

Prioritize your day

It’s easy to get lost in your task list when there’s a lot on your plate. Keep your focus with color-coded priority levels.

  • Pick only a few must-do tasks each day
  • Do your hardest task first
  • Reschedule any tasks you don’t check off

Todoist Project Sections

Celebrate your accomplishments

Todoist Project Ideas

Small steps add up to big achievements over time. So take a moment to look back on all the progress you’ve made.

  • Track your successes
  • Note the challenges
  • Reward yourself for a job well done!

Todoist Project Template

Uncomplete tasks, too